Equipment & network servicing

Never worry about downtime again

Say goodbye to dropped calls, slow internet and baffling charges on your monthly bills.
Get a quote

Making your phones play nice together

Spot problems early

We'll see into the future for you.

Upgrade legacy hardware

Same headsets, new features.

Optimize your network

See your systems connect.

The doctor is in

After 32 years in the business you would think we've seen it all. But you know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all screw-ups. Some of our favorite projects actually involve dealing with the unexpected.

From a simple "will it work with this system" check to a full-blown site survey involving cabling and equipment evaluation, our job is to look at your network with fresh eyes and give you an honest assessment of whether it will work or not.

Solving connectivity issues

Adding new features

Maintaining legacy hardware

Cabling system audits

Competitors react, we anticipate

As any experienced office manager knows, bad cabling can make running a business a nightmare. We detect problems and make sure you're always connected, ready to take on your clients. It's like having a never-ending cup of coffee, but with less teeth-grinding and sleeplessness.

When you buy a business phone system, the last thing you want to worry about is maintaining it. Did that phone go down again? Is that computer still not right? Do you have roaming problems or network issues? Let us handle the unglamorous stuff.

We tell it straight

Breaking up is hard to do. We get that. It's why we made the effort to fix your office phone the first time around.

Our Telemaxx engineers will be there, on time, and they'll never give a false sense of security when they're over, because they won't take no for an answer. What are we? We're a team that wants to save you time in all your voice, data and telecom issues. Think about it.

Free audit of your current telecom contract

Upgrading legacy headsets and hardware

Top-to-bottom audits of your cabling